Patient monitoring equipment is indispensable to hospitals. When this equipment fails, wards lose much needed bed space and the ability to care for patients in a timely manner.
At Tenacore, we appreciate the need to keep equipment running, and we deliver timely equipment repairs that truly provide value for money.
Our engineers specialise in the board and component lever repair of monitors, modules, and telemetry transceivers for an array of manufacturers including HP/Philips, GE Healthcare, Datex-Ohmeda, Spacelabs, Datascope, and more. Search through our capabilities below, and if you can't locate what you're looking for, please fill out the form, and a representative will contact you.
From case replacements and software upgrades to power failures and display issues, Tenacore’s team of engineers are able to repair your faulty monitors and get them working to OEM specification. We offer repair services for most major brands and can often have monitors returned within 7-10 business days. Click here to find out how Tenacore’s monitor repair services can keep your bed availability up and your repair costs down.
Tenacore’s module repair service provides a valuable alternative to repair and exchange with the OEM. By performing repairs at the board and component level, our engineers can extend the life of your modules and keep your repair costs to a minimum. Click here to learn more about Tenacore’s module repair service and the makes and models we are able to support.
At Tenacore, we offer telemetry repair services for HP/Philips, GE Healthcare, and Spacelabs transmitters. Our telemetry repair services allow you to keep your equipment up and running without the need to invest and upgrade with the OEM. Click here to learn more about this valuable service.